How To Make Garlic Chicken Wings

Making Garlic Chicken Wings At Home
Homemade Garlic Chicken Wings

This homemade chicken wings are very helpful for those people who aren’t able to eat frying foods or baking foods.  Foodvannet will bring more this type of food to all of you.


  • Chicken wings
  • Garlic
  • Salt
  • Sugar
  • Soy sauce
  • Vinegar
  • Water


  1. Cut chicken wings apart and then wash and clean them by soaking them in salt vinegar warm water solution.
  2. Chop the garlic.
  3. Bring a sauce pan to hot.  Add chicken.  Stir frequently until chicken change their colors.
  4. Cover the pan and cook for couple minutes.
  5. Remove the cover and stir well.
  6. Repeat step 4 – 5 until you see the chicken are cooked.
  7. When the chicken are cooked, transfer them to an large empty bowl/container.
  8. Add vinegar, salt, sugar, soy sauce, water and garlic into that empty pan.
  9. Boil them for several rounds.
  10. Add chicken back to the pan and stir well.  Remember, stir them constantly to make sure chicken absorb the sauce.
  11. When chicken absorb the sauce, remove them from the pan and serve.
  12. You can serve these garlic chicken with white rice or just eat them by themselves.